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Internal architecture monza

Reggia Contemporanea

100 works of contemporary art and design at the Villa Reale of Monza

Starting December 7th, 100 works of contemporary art and design by a constellation of creative Italian virtuosi are at the center of an elegant installation on the two primary floors of the Villa Reale [Palace] of Monza, in a perfectly executed merging of history and modernity.

The exhibit, curated by architect Cristina Mazzantini – author of the earlier “Quirinale Contemporaneo” installation – introduces a thoughtfully tailored selection of important works of abstract, figurative, kinetic, and conceptual art along with design pieces that have, over time, become emblematic, including the Max sofa, designed by Antonio Citterio for Flexform in 1983.

Photo courtesy Massimo Listri

Reggia Contemporanea

Max sofa
Internal architecture
Internal architecture
Internal architecture
Internal architecture monza