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Flexform Tokyo flagship store

“Japanese Design Meets Italian Craftsmanship”

Design Talk with designer Fumie Shibata and Ryuko Kida, brand director Elle Decor Japan.

On Tuesday October 22nd, designer Fumie Shibata and Ryuko Kida, brand director of Elle Decor Japan, discussed the topic of the marriage between Japanese design and fine Italian craftsmanship before a large audience of trade professionals at the Flexform Tokyo flagship store.

The Japanese designer shared the story of the origins of the Eri armchair, produced in collaboration with Flexform, and the special relationship established with the company. She described Eri’s enveloping shape and sophisticated craftsmanship details made possible thanks to the high level of know-how demonstrated by Flexform throughout all the development phases of the armchair.

The Design Talk was followed by a cocktail party during which the guests were entertained in the recently updated Flexform space with the presentation of the latest pieces in the 2024 Collection: the Camelot sofa, Ginger chaise longue, Arnold table and Lauren armchairs. A special place in the spotlight was reserved for the Eri armchairs – stars of the event – designed by Fumie Shibata.


Flexform Tokyo flagship store
Flexform Tokyo flagship store
Flexform Tokyo flagship store
Flexform Tokyo flagship store
Flexform Tokyo flagship store
Flexform Tokyo flagship store
Flexform Tokyo flagship store
Flexform Tokyo flagship store
Flexform Tokyo flagship store